National Wheelchair Basketball Association

NWBA Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure

Instructions and Requirements


1. Read the Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy (linked below)

2. Click the 'Continue' button at the bottom of the page to submit the Conflict of Interest Disclosure online form.

  • Affiliated Individuals will be required to log-in to SportsEngine (or create an account) in order to advance in this online form.
  • Any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest should be included in the form.

3. Save the confirmation email received after submitting this disclosure online form so that periodic statements or updates can be submitted as soon as possible when any new actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest arises.

Each form will be reviewed and addressed as outlined in the COI Policy.

4. Submit updates as needed - Submit a new disclosure online form as soon as possible when anything changes--i.e., employment, sponsorship, relationship, role within NWBA Leadership and/or any new actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest arises.

5. Recuse from conflicts
Know the COI Policy. The NWBA requires that any of its Affiliated Individuals recognize and attempt to avoid activities or investments that involve, might appear to involve, or could result in a potential conflict of interest. 

Review the NWBA Conflict of Interest Policy (Appendix A, Pages 33-42)

Click the link above to read the NWBA Conflict of Interest Policy-Appendix A within the NWBA Policies & Procedures.

Affiliated Individuals and Definitions

This Conflict of Interest Policy is applicable to all NWBA Affiliated Individuals“Affiliated Individuals” include, but are not limited to, members of the NWBA’s Board of Directors (the Board of the NWBA), officers, committee members, task force members, hearing panel members, employees, and volunteers with substantial decision making authority. Where reasonable, NWBA contractors may be required to comply with this policy in their contracts.

A “Conflict of Interest” or “Conflict” exists when an Affiliated Individual’s activities, interests or relationships interfere with, influence, or have the potential to interfere with or influence his or her responsibilities on behalf of the NWBA or undermine the interests of the NWBA.

The activities and interest of an Affiliated Individual’s relatives and close associates must also be considered when evaluating whether a conflict of interest exists. Relatives and close associates (RCAs) include spouses/domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, close friends, and business partners.

2024 Disclosure Timeline

Disclosures should be inclusive of:  Date of submission – December 31, 2024*

-By January 31: All Affiliated Individuals submit COI Annual Disclosure
-By February 28: Ethics Committee reviews disclosures and decisions communicated

*REMINDER: An updated form shall be submitted as soon as possible if anything changes--i.e., employment, investments, sponsorships/partnerships, or any new actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest arises.

Questions? Contact Dug Jones

NWBA Ethics Committee Chair

Questions? Contact Tina Cain

NWBA Business and Compliance Manager

Phone: 317-331-8767